Life Expectancy of Polycystic Kidney Disease Patients
How about the life expectancy of Polycystic Kidney Disease patients? Most Polycystic Kidney Disease patients always ask this question because most of them were told that there is no treatment for this disease because it is a kind of hereditary disease. For this reason, most of patients worry about the life expectancy when they were told that they are having this disease.
Posted on Dec-14-2011
Is Kidney Cyst Severe
Kidney cyst is classified into many types and different types of kidney cyst have different prognosis. If your doctor just told of a cyst in your kidney, you had better figure it out. In this case, you don’t have to be very worried or too careless to miss the best chance to treat it. Read on to know the type of kidney cyst and see whether your cyst is severe or not.
Posted on Dec-14-2011
Can Kidney Failure Patients Stop Dialysis
Dialysis is the common method used for kidney failure patients. Dialysis can help the patients live a longer, and enjoy a higher quality life. For in kidney failure stage, the toxins will build up in their body, and if dialysis can't be adopted in time, it will cause many more complications.
Posted on Dec-13-2011
Can We Be Free from Dialysis or Avoid Dialysis?
Can we be free from dialysis or avoid dialysis? In the common opinion, the common result of patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is to take dialysis and kidney transplant. However, most patients who have taken dialysis know the suffering and pain of the dialysis. And many patients have heard about the suffering of dialysis. So many patients want to know: can we be free from dialysis?
Posted on Dec-12-2011
Is That OK for PKD patients to Drink Coffee
Coffee is the favorite of many people and they can not pass a day without coffee. It seems cozy to drink a cup of coffee, chatting with close friends, in the afternoon. While is it OK for patients with PKD to drink coffee? The answer is definitely not.
Posted on Dec-12-2011
Why My Creatinine Level Is High
Creatinine level in blood may be one of the symptoms of kidney diseases. But it can also caused by other reasons. What are the reasons of increase of creatinine level in blood? Following are the answers. Take a look.
1. Fatigue and not having a good rest could be one of the causes of temporary increasing of creatinine level in blood.
2. The presence of concurrent infection such as cold, pneumonia, intestinal tract infection and urinary tract infection in people with renal dysfunction can cause
Posted on Dec-12-2011
Is Ketosteril Effective to Reduce Creatinine
Presently, more and more patients told us that they were given Ketosteril to reduce high creatinine and urea nitrogen before they come to our hospital with the purpose of delaying the progress of Kidney Disease. Is it really effective? Can it delay the progress of this disease? Most of the patients would like to ask such questions.
Posted on Dec-12-2011
Can I Stop Dialysis Once I Start It
Several days ago, I received an email from Linda-a patient on dialysis and she wrote in her email:
Dear Tina,
I am very glad to tell you a good news. I just got lab results yesterday after one full month on dialysis.
Posted on Dec-12-2011
How to Find FSGS (Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis) Earlier
FSGS refers to focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. It is not a single disease, but a pattern of kidney damage. It is a disease condition, in which the glomeruli that are responsible for filtrating blood are scarred. Without timely finding and treatment, most of the patients with FSGS finally develop Renal Failure and have to maintain their life depending on dialysis and kidney transplant. Therefore, how to find FSGS earlier becomes the most important thing for all of us.
Posted on Dec-12-2011
Development and Harms of Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)
Polycystic Kidney Disease is a kind of hereditary disease. It should be controlled effectively though its genetic feature can not be eliminated. If PKD can not be controlled effectively in the early stage, it will develop into more serious stage and caused various complications, which is more dangerous for patients' life.
Posted on Dec-12-2011